The amazing views of Bungonia National Park. |
They may not be the Rockies, but the view is still pretty good. |
Had to throw in the kangaroo pictures, even though everyone
laughs when I get excited about seeing one. |
My friendly neighbourhood spider.It's about the size of a twoonie by the way. |
My classroom from the doorway, ready for the kids Monday morning. |
St. John Vianney School |
Just for you Kelsi! |
Skating at the Civie. By the way, it was 12 degrees. |
After many attempts, I have finally managed to get these pictures downloaded. Internet is a tricky business. Unlimited downloading gives you as many GB as you need, but is slow, slow, slow (dial-up anyone) and I'm still waiting to find out how much I actually do download on a regular basis to see if limited would be better (I'm told it's faster).
Today I went on my first excursion (field trip) to the symphony orchestra. The whole school went and had a great time. Tomorrow is a 'free' day. The kids don't have to wear uniforms and there is some movie watching and a disco going down. The Friday I arrived, the school had a walkathon and this is the reward for raising over $10 000. Heads up St. Marg's. I hear that we are looking for a new fundraiser. Someone get on this!
The kids have been fantastic and have made sure that I know the routine and how things are run in Year 1 St. Nicholas. We're working together to make the classroom our own. They were very excited to receive the flags, pencils, rubbers (erasers) and pins on the first day. Most of them have been wearing the pins on their uniforms everyday.
The students all wear uniforms and it's kinda weird, in a good way. I think I was able to get to know the kids better because I had to look at their faces to remember who they were instead of their clothing. Though if I would have had to deal with the twins in uniforms, it may have taken me longer to figure them out. It's really a sight to see when there are 250 kids all wearing the exact same thing. Tomorrow will be weird being uniform free.
Tonight I was invited to play basketball with one of the teachers. It was lots of fun and we won, though my shooting percentage was worse than Shaq. They were thrilled to have an import player and have invited me to play anytime I like. I'm in if they want me.
The staff has been fantastic and I'm really looking forward to getting to know them better over the next year.
Wish I could be like daCosta and share some funny, endearing stories the kids have created or shared, but unfortunately I don't have the memory for it. They do keep laughing at me when I say "put it in the bin' as bin here means garbage. They've gotten used to me saying sweater, but I've tried to use jumper more often. I'm definitely coming home speaking a different language, and definitely more appreciative of central heating. I'll never look at it the same way again. -5 celsius and I'm freezing in my own home. It's all part of the experience and so far I am enjoying every minute of it.
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