“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” –
Mark Twain
After 1 full day of travelling, I've arrived. The last 24 hours have been very eventful and long. After making sure my house was spic and span, Mom and Dad packed up the van with my 100 pounds of luggage and shuttled me to the airport. Carley and Jerry met us there with the three kids - Meghan, Liam and Paige - and we were entertained by their non-stop energy. Meghan: "Auntie Ally.... Did you know there are giant beetles in Australia?" Auntie Ally: "Yes, there are lots of giant bugs there?" Meghan: Be careful! Don't get bitten by one." Best advice I've received about this adventure.
Next stop: LA
The flight to LA was uneventful until the very end. Luckily, I had a window seat and I was able to watch the Fourth of July firewords bursting over top of every hamlet, city and town in California. You don't truly realize how far up in the air you are until you see how tiny the fireworks are. When you watch them from the ground, you think they go a mile up into the air.
Once we landed, it was time to go through security to catch my flight to Sydney. Fun times! I was very excited to get a body scan done. Unfortunately, they wouldn't let me see the picture. While waiting to get the scan done, all of sudden there was a loud shout and we were suddenly told to stop moving. They meant this literally too. Even a shift of weight brought a look. Finally and "All Clear" was yelled and the security robots all responded "All Clear!". Apparently we got to participate in a drill. Those Americans sure know how to entertain.

The excitement didn't stop there. I found my way to the gate and got comfortable on the floor (Kelsi, you'll remember this gate well) and waited for the plane to arrive. That's right. The plane hadn't arrived at the gate yet and it was only 30 minutes to boarding. Finally, we boarded and then were made to sit another 30 - 45 minutes on the plane. A 16 hour flight just got longer. We had to wait for the plane to be refueled and for them to fix the bathrooms. That's right folks, the bathrooms weren't working. That would have made for a fun flight. Luckily, the flight wasn't full and there was a seat between myself and the guy sitting at the window. The flight went by quickly as I watched movies, played games on my iPad and slept somewhere in between.
Next stop: Sydney
As we flew over Sydney, I happened to peak out the window and saw Sydney Harbor with the Harbor Bridge standing guard next to the Opera House. Wish I would have had the window seat so I could take a picture. Luckily, as we took off towards Canberra later on, I was able to get a picture of the Harbor Bridge and downtown Sydney. Unfortunately, we were on the wrong side of downtown to see the Opera House too. Going through Sydney airport was an exercise in patience. Hurry up.... wait for luggage. Hurry up..... go through Quarantine. Hurry up...... get bags to Domestic Transfers. Hurry up..... catch a bus to the Qantas Domestic Terminal. Buy a sausage roll and flat white (means I'm officially back in Australia) and head to the gate to board my third and final flight of the day to my fourth airport of the day.
Next stop: Canberra (Canbre to the Aussies)
The flight was uneventful and all I saw were clouds. Finally, I'd landed at my final stop on a gray and windy day. Natalie, when she saw me, laughed when she saw me wearing sweat capris on a 7 degree day. We hauled my luggage to the car and I managed to not make a fool of myself and actually went to the proper side of the car. I'd hit a second (maybe third or fourth) wind and decided to go with Natalie to the school in the afternoon. My class to be (Year One) was very excited to see me. They all had lots of questions to ask and laughed at the funny words I used. They also informed me that we write the date wrong (July 6th, 2011) and that they would make sure that I learned the proper way (6th July, 2011). The also greeted me with: "Good afternoon, Miss Bendfeld. May God Bless You, you gorgeous thing." They sure know how to get on my good side.
A couple of Year Six girls took me on a tour of the school and I met some of the staff and some parents as well. Everyone is excited that their students will get the experience of having a Canadian to teach their kids.
In the evening, Natalie and I went out to the farm (her mom's house) for dinner. While eating, we watched the final game of the State of the Union (New South Wales vs. Queensland). Unfortanately for everyone in the house (Nat's brother and sister-in-law, and her mom's boyfriend), this was a terrible thing. By this time, I was done. We headed home, I crawled into the bed with it's heated blanket (YES!) and passed out.
My second day in the country has been less eventful. So far I've managed to have some toast (haven't attempted vegemite yet, though there is some in the cupboard), lots of tea and plugged myself back into the world. (Thanks for all the well-wishing on Facebook). I may head out for a walk later to check out what is nearby, but only after my GPS is charged up and ready to go. Doris will need to lead me everywhere I go. There are so many roundabouts that I truly have no idea where I am.
The itinerary for the next couple of days is to go back to the school for the last day of the term, go to Nat's going away party and find a car. This is going to be a fantastic year!