Thursday 8 September 2011

Spring Has Sprung

The cherry blossoms are in bloom, the weather is getting warmer.  Spring has arrived.

It has again been a very busy and interesting couple of weeks. I've again learned something new about our Aussie friends. Apparently, the seasons begin on the first of the months. i.e. Spring begins on Sept. 1, Winter on Dec. 1, etc. I tried to explain that this was not correct as spring and autumn don't happen until the vernal and autumnal equinoxes and summer and winter don't start until the longest and shortest days of the year, around the 21st of the aforementioned months.  They now think I'm insane and that they are much smarter than us North Americans. They've also been making fun of me all week.  I must have something tatooed on my forehead. I've had comments about Canadians being slow, being the same as Americans, etc. If anyone has some good comebacks let me know.  I can't think that quickly on my feet.

Last week was Father's Day, so we had the dads come in and read with their children.  On the same day, we had Learning Journeys (student-led conferences) so my Friday was pretty much shot.  I also had an incident with a student that led to me gaining a few new bruises. To say that least, I was happy to see Friday in my rearview mirror. The weekend was spent recovering and heading to the Hall Markets on the Sunday morning. It was a beautiful sunny day and a great day for eating Dutch pancakes and buying random stuff I don't really need. Actually, all I bought was coffee, but I'm sure I could have bought a bunch of stuff if I didn't have to get it back to Canada somehow.

The kids are starting to get my sense of humor and have started repeating my stupid sayings before I do, like "Clear as mud, Miss Bendfeld." They really think that one is funny. They've started to realize that they can laugh at me and the stupid things I do. They are also starting to get when I am serious and that they should get back to work. I wish that I could remember all the cute things they say to share with you, but my memory just isn't that good.

Well, this weekend I am off to Adelaide for a couple of days.  There are sure to be pictures and stories to tell when I return.

Off to "milkshakes"! Gotta love staff bonding.

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