Starting the blog. Gotta love a mother who will take pictures of just about anything. |
Farewell Party
“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
Creating a blog is the first step of a journey that will take me to the other side of the world. I leave in 9 days on a teaching exchange to Australia. I'll try my best to impart the daily wisdom I'm sure to gain from the Year One students I will be teaching and the lessons I learn on my travels. Some of you will surely laugh at my daily trials trying to teach Grade 1 (yes, Mom, I'm talking to you) and others will just read, correct my grammar (daCosta!), and comment on the silly things I am sure to do.
Mom and Dad had a farewell BBQ where family and friends gathered to make fun of me one more time and make sure it's clear what I was going to be missing while I'm away in Australia.
I guess it's official now. Time to start thinking about packing, walking the jetway and buckling in for the journey of a lifetime.
I look forward to sharing my next year with you. Enjoy the Adventures of Ally the Canalian.